Developmental Programs

The PALW Developmental Programs are developed to assist our community with learning how to engage in prevention, mentoring, education, social, and athletic programs. We teach, develop, engage, and evaluate our processes on a daily basis to assure that our youth and young adults are aware of community, society and world situations. PALW provides resources to our entire community to be prepared for positive outcomes and change in our communities. Our goal is to build brighter futures for everyone.

National PAL Mentoring Program

The mentoring Program meets every Thursday evening at 6:00 PM. This program is for our members ages eight and older. During this time our youth are exposed to leadership workshops, learning opportunities and drug & bullying prevention activities. The youth also participate in community service projects and receive tutoring services. The PALW is currently recruiting committed mentors with a passion and a high expectation of success for our mentees.

Since the introduction of the program, the participant’s school report grades have significantly improved.

Life Savers

Students will learn how to prevent involvement in areas and help others to be aware of preventing them as well. Students will also learn about the LGBTQ community, school education, and decision making skills. We provide assistance with homework and other school related projects. We also offer exposure to other educational opportunities, cultural enrichments, and field trips.​


This is an all-female program ages 10-14. D.I.V.A’s (Developing Independent Valuable Assets) is a program designed to assist the young ladies in Entrepreneurship, Work Readiness, and Financial Literacy. The DIVA’s of Wilmington is a great opportunity for young girls to explore life’s unlimited possibilities and to dream big. They will build a sisterhood and self-confidence within the group through business projects, prevention programs, and support from guest speakers.

Tabacco S.W.A.T. Team

Students Working Against Tobacco will learn about tobacco products and the companies who make them. They will learn prevention methods to stay tobacco free and help others stay or become tobacco free as well. Students will work on a project each month that creates involvement with the other students and counselors to create an understanding of materials and bonding. Students will also present anti-tobacco messages through presentations in the lobby of the PAL center and other public areas. This program is provided by the American Lung Association.

PALW Program Trips

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